By George J. Matranga

    At this very moment you may be feeling empty inside. Although you have striven to fill the void, life has still left you…EMPTY. It is an age-old fact: Success can’t fill it. Partying can’t hide it. Drugs can’t heal it. Sex can’t quench it. Therapy can’t mend it. Religion can’t fix it. But the good news is: there’s a cure for your emptiness. The living Lord Jesus Christ said, “No one coming to me will ever be hungry again. Those believing in Me will never thirst.” John 6:35 You may say, “I’ve tried reaching out to God but I still feel empty.” Well that’s the problem and it is actually the fallacy of religion. For centuries mankind has been trying to reach God who is a Spirit. But God in His grace and mercy – seeing that this was impossible – reached out to us by sending His only son, Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can fill that empty space in your heart because He alone bridged the void between God and man.
You see, originally God made man in perfect union with Himself, but man rebelled and severed that union. As a result, man’s sin left an empty space in the heart of every succeeding human being, including you and me. God who is holy and just requires the shedding of blood as remission for sin. He instituted the sacrificial system by which the blood of an innocent lamb was shed in place of the sinner. Jesus became that innocent Lamb for us. He took our place and paid our price by shedding His blood on a cross. Once and for all, He conquered sin by rising from the grave. He now lives in the heart of every believer – the greatest of all miracles. By the work Christ has done for us and through our faith in Him we are reunited with God; thus filling that empty space.
You can be filled with God through your union with Him. Allow God to fill your heart by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord of your life. As the eternal Creator does an internal work in you, His fullness will then dwell in you. You will never be empty again!
The Bible says if you will repent (turn from your own way) and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (and mean it) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved from the penalty of your sins. If you want God to fill your emptiness, pray this simple prayer:
God I’ve lived with an unbearable sense of emptiness. I desire for this “hole” to be filled in my life. I realize that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I desire to turn from my own way and embrace your way because without Jesus I am lost. I repent of my sins and ask you, by faith, Jesus, to live in my heart. Thank you Lord for forgiving me and shedding your precious blood to save me. I surrender my will to your Lordship. I will follow you all the days of my life. Amen.