The Most Deadly Virus
By George J. Matranga

    Recently, wire news services has been warning computer users of damaging computer viruses called macro worms. When the file is opened, these viruses/worms send copies of itself which infects e-mail and attacks computer programs. It has the ability to propagate very quickly, bringing mail systems to a halt. These viruses “in the wild” contain a list of pornographic Web sites. Potential victims are fooled into thinking that the e-mail comes from a trusted friend. A computer security team has been working hard to determine the viruses’ origin and to develop a remedy for it.

There is another virus that is much more damaging than any macro worm imaginable. It has crept in and infected the entire human race. It is spreading at overwhelming rates. It is insidious and vile. It has fooled many people; these victims have been deceived into believing that it is their friend. Yet, this macro worm is devouring lives. Many are not even aware that they have been infected. No human agency on earth can conjure up a remedy. For this is the human virus of Sin.

When God originally made man, He created him perfect and in His own image. Adam and Eve, the forerunners of the human race, were tempted by the devil and sinned against God, breaking vital union with Him. As a result, sin entered the human race and death spread to all. “One man brought sin into the world, and his sin brought death. And so because all have sinned, death spread to all people.” Romans 5:12 Now standing between God and man is an eternal barrier caused by man’s sin that only God Himself can fix.

Like it or not, it does not matter how an individual views himself; each and every one of us are sinners in need of a Savior. God, in His great love for you and I, made a way to deal with the barrier of sin in our lives and to bring us back to Himself. He did so by sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to make restitution for our sins. As Savior, Jesus, pardoned our sin by dying on a cross and shedding his blood. As Lord, He rose from the dead, defeating death, and is alive today to give eternal life to all that come to Him. “If one man’s sin brought death to all people, we are all the more certain God’s love and the free gift of His love in one man, Jesus Christ, have been richly poured out on all people.” Romans 5:15 Now what stands between God and man is only the decision each and everyone of us must make to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, in order to be saved from the peril of sin.

Today you can be free from this virus of sin destroying your life. You can stand completely forgiven of your sins by trusting in Jesus Christ. You can be made whole: cleansed and in right relationship with God, ceased from living in guilt, fear, and hiding. This free gift of salvation is the good news of the gospel. “If with your mouth you confess, ‘Jesus is the Lord,’ and in your heart you believe ‘God raised Him from the dead,’ you will be saved…Everyone who calls on the Lord’s name will be saved.” Romans 10:9,13

If you would like to surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, sincerely pray this prayer from your heart: Lord, I admit I’m a sinner in need of salvation. I realize there is no power within me to overcome sin in my life. I know if I died today that this virus would send me to hell. But, now I understand what Jesus Christ did for me because He loved me so much. So, I repent of my own way and now turn to You in brokenness of heart. I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that He rose again from the dead. I ask You now to come into my heart and live in me. Today, I’m putting my trust in Your Word. And, by faith in Your name, Jesus, I confess that I am a new creation, reborn of Your spirit. I confess that I am alive not dead, and saved not lost any longer. God, I can now truly call you my heavenly Father and Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I love You Lord and I thank You for Your love, mercy, and forgiveness.