The Ready Writer 9
The Sex Society
Part II

By George J. Matranga

The signs of the end of the age are evident – unknowingly America’s sex-drive is driving her to destruction.

“Her filthiness was in and on her skirts; she did not [seriously and earnestly] consider her final end; therefore she has come down [from throne to slavery]…” Lam. 1:9 Amp

The prophet Jeremiah lamented over the tragic demise of Jerusalem. God’s people had spurned all prophetic warnings. Judah had rebelled long enough – judgement finally came – she had come down from throne to slavery. Just as in Jeremiah’s day, God is warning His people to stay true and abide by His word in a sex-driven society. If ever the church needs to keep its affections on things above, it is today! God’s Word warns us: “Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did…we should not commit sexual immorality…these things…were written down as warnings for us…” I Cor. 10:6, 8, 11 NIV
The Lord is calling His people – His bride – to personal purity and holiness in living. “For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” I Thes. 4:7 NIV He is calling the church to a higher standard with greater disciplines than those of the easy-going lifestyles of this surrounding culture. “…You must no longer live as the Gentiles do…they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.” Eph. 4:17, 19 NIV It is satan’s last stand before the coming of the Lord to lift the skirt of Christ’s bride in attempts to defile Her before the world. But the Lord is coming for a pure and spotless bride undefiled by the schemes of the devil. Eph. 5:25-27
Daily, Americans are vexed by mental and visible debauchery. There is sexual imagery everywhere one turns. Today there is neither shock nor shame but a brazen shamelessness to do as one pleases. The more base, the more attention! “The wicked walk or prowl about on every side, as vileness is exalted (and baseness is rated high) among the sons of men.” Ps. 12:8 Amp It is obvious by the signs of our culture that sex is rated the highest and exhibited in the most based ways among people. “…They parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it.” Is. 3:9 NIV
The greatest problem the church faces today is not only contending with a pop culture obsessed and preoccupied with sex but with false teaching as well. This makes a volatile mixture. The early church had the same dilemma. “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality…” Jude 4 NIV These morally corrupt teachers taught compromise with the world. The Lord Jesus condemned a sect of these known as the Nicolaitans that were teaching a false freedom. “So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.” Rev. 2:15 KJV The Nicoliatans are among us today; they are in our churches, pulpits and Sunday school rooms. Recently, I ministered to a cross-dresser who is a seminar speaker and author. Arguably, he claims to be a Christian and uses scripture to justify dressing as a woman. He teaches that grace frees him from all condemnation. My response was that God’s grace delivers us from sin not delivers us to sin. Grace is not a license to do as one pleases but is the divine ability to do what is biblical. The bottom line is that those that lean to false teaching are looking for a justifiable way to indulge in the sins of the flesh.
Sadly, false teachers – reinforced by a conducive society – are deceivers seducing God’s people by the lusts of the flesh. “…They allure through the lusts of the flesh…while they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption.” II Pet. 2:18, 19 KJV Interestingly, in capturing wild horses, cowboys first work to gather the undomesticated animals into a herd. Then in front of the herd, they release what they call a “Judas” horse. This horse has been domesticated and trained to lead the herd to an awaiting corral. The “Judas” horse deceives the rest into thinking they are escaping to safety but instead they are being led away to be captured. False teachers are no more than “Judas” horses leading the unsuspecting astray to be captured. “They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children. They have forsaken the right way and gone astray…” II Pet. 2:14, 15 NKJV
American society has rejected the God of the Bible as the standard of human sexual behavior and as a result has lapsed into an effeminate culture. Effeminacy means soft and refers to those who are guilty of addictions to sins of the flesh. In light of this, one can see how today’s modern, soft gospel of ease and luxury appeals to a morally loose culture. True preaching is considered hard; disciplines and parameters considered legalistic! Recently, I went for a routine hair cut. While shampooing my hair, the stylist began to methodically massage my scalp. Her massaging began to lull me to sleep. Immediately, the Holy Ghost spoke to me that a soft gospel has been massaging this nation to a state of slumber.
Early in American history, Christian principles held this nation together by providing a solid base of morality. Our founding fathers knew that without principles to govern the individual our nation would soon fall. Democracy without morality would be ruin. Our founders framed the Constitution for a people of religious principle – a people who would inhibit their passions not exhibit them. The framers believed that government could not control the inner urges of people, they must control themselves using the Bible as their moral compass. The Psalmist writes, “Help, Lord! For principled and godly people are here no more; faithfulness and the faithful vanish from among the sons of men.” Ps. 12:1 Amp
Twenty-first century America has fallen into moral collapse. “Feely” emotions are paramount above principles. It is how this culture defines love. Yet, love without transcendent moral absolutes is actually lust. Today, lust is presented in a palatable way: light hearted, comical and down-to-earth. How can one call something evil when it tugs at your heartstrings stirring warm, fuzzy and touchy-feely emotions? For this reason, many have relaxed their standards and have been massaged to compromise.

A Sex-Crazed Generation

Inevitably, sex will be craved in a sensual society soft on sin! “For all these worldly things, these evil desires – the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you, and the pride that comes with wealth and importance – these are not from God.” I John 2:16 LB Sex has dominated our fashion styles, pervaded our music, is flaunted in the media, and glorified on television. A movie premiere showed a young student crying out, “I love sex, oh God I love sex!” Lust is insatiable and knows no class divisions. It lurks in the heart of man and can destroy an individual or an entire nation. From the whorehouse to the White House, it has scandalized our society. From pauper to the President our headlines read: “sex capades”, sex crimes, and sexual harassment!
Perhaps one of the biggest indicators of a sex-crazed generation is displayed on magazine racks. The magazine industry has marketed this generation’s obsession with sex. One magazine headlined: “Breast! The Triumph of Cleavage Culture.” I’ve wrestled with several grocery store chains over the “Breast Obsessed” magazines displayed at the checkout aisles. In one incident with the corporate office of a major food chain, they argued that “cleavage” was the industry standard. I argued if full frontal nudity became the new industry standard, would they draw a line. Although I had been successful in having magazines pulled from the racks, in this incident, I was unsuccessful. Money won over morality – revenue over righteousness! If cleavage is “in” today maybe tomorrow full frontal nudity could be the next industry standard.
Sex sells. Today, basic commodities like chewing gum, breath mints, toothpaste and hair products are sold with a theme of hot sexual passion. A brand of shampoo was advertised as having an “organic experience” – a double entendre for having an “orgasmic experience.” This generation worships sex. A most vivid example was demonstrated in a TV commercial where a sexy woman walks into a room of businessmen. She’s so “hot-looking” she sets off the overhead fire sprinklers. The men raise their hands outwardly worshipping her as she eats a bag of chips.
Sex is big business. Corporate America is merely “cashing in” on a morally lax culture – selling out this generation! “And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for a harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.” Joel 3:3 KJV According to an industry trade magazine, pornography took in $10 billion last year. The online porn market is a billion-dollar business targeting 18 to 30 year-old males. One porn entrepreneur touted, “Now Jay Leno’s doing porno jokes. Porn is more mainstream, therefore young people are more into it.” It has been stated that the Internet has become the crack cocaine of sex addiction.

The Push For New Standards

The moral envelope keeps being pushed as standards decline. Hollywood is setting new standards of permissiveness. What was once considered gutter language, back alley filth, and red light district lewdness has now become mainstream. Many Christians justify viewing R-rated movies. They overlook the immoral themes, illicit sex and graphic language not realizing that a godless industry is dictating their principles. Some who would never dare to watch an X-rated “porno” movie are the first to justify their children viewing a lust-filled sit-com. “‘Well,’ you may be saying, ‘what terrible people you have been talking about!’ But wait a minute! You are just as bad. When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are talking about yourselves, for you do these very same things.'” Rom. 2:1 LB Yet, the Bible is very clear about images, whether molten images or movie images! “The images of their gods you are to burn in the fire…or you will be ensnared by it…Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction.” Deu. 7:2, 26 NIV
Canaanite high places have been excavated uncovering huge amounts of images and plaques of the goddess of love, Ashtoreth. Her image – with exaggerated sex organs – was to stimulate sensual feelings. Today, idolatry has become sophisticated. Not only is it in “high places” but is high tech as well. Just as in heathen cultures where idol images were designed to foster sensual emotions, so do movie and video images. They incite the base nature and stir up inordinate affections. I am convinced that Hollywood movies are the devil’s training ground for every conceivable lust and perversion.
Growing up in the sixties, the mantra of the day was sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. “Wine, women, and song have robbed by people of their brains.” Hos. 4:11 LB The “unisex” movement was birthed. Men’s styles turned feminine while women’s turned masculine. Men grew their hair long and wore shoulder bags. Women burned their bras. Hippies rebelled against the “establishment” (traditional standards). Life became an experiment. Sex was no longer limited to covenant-married couples but to enjoy as anyone saw fit. Psychedelic music, incense, “pot” smoke, and free love filled the air. The mood of the day was captured in the popular song, “Love The One You’re With.” How interesting that a few thousand years earlier, God said that wine, women and song (drugs, sex, and rock n’ roll) pervert the heart.
Now, over thirty years later our nation is reeling from the aftermath of this ideology. Our culture has increasingly grown more female-dominated. In the wake of the feminist movement males have become soft and females have become hard. Our most trusted institutions, like our military, are becoming feminized. The church has also been pressured to capitulate. Today, women have gained acceptance and are filling unbiblical roles as pastors. One major mainline denomination has met with controversy to remove from its by-laws that women should submit to men. Biblical standards have been lowered to meet the demands of a shifting culture. And, the church is slowly acclimating to a cultural pattern.

The Spirit of Harlotry

There is a spirit of harlotry upon the face of the earth and as a result even the land suffers. “For the Land is full of adulterers; for because of a curse the land mourns.” Jer. 23:10 NKJV The sexual sins of the people defiles the land in which they inhabit. Private indulgence determines public defilement!
America, one of the greatest nations on earth, was divinely birthed by the providential hand of God. But, America traded her virgin gown for the attire of a harlot! Years ago, before I became a Christian, I toured as a professional entertainer. In conversing with a very sentimental woman in a posh, Manhattan nightclub, she admitted being a “hooker” by night and a social worker for retarded children by day. Working with the disabled children gave her a sense of great worth. She tried desperately to justify her late night illicit behavior by her love for the afflicted children she labored amidst. Yet the truth was, she was morally retarded. The spirit of harlotry had taken away her understanding. She in fact was a prostitute! All the sentimentalism over the unfortunate children could not hide this. God gave her over to a debased mind. “This is the way of an adulterous woman: she eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness.'” Pr. 30:20 NKJV
Sadly, America reminds me of that New York prostitute. This country desperately tries to justify her spiritual harlotry by humanitarianism and social salvation. The nightly news is filled with social efforts: save the children, help the children, and heal the children. Yet, it is legal to murder children whether in or partially out of the womb. The fact remains that in all her social efforts to hide her sin, America remains a prostitute! The God of heaven will not receive her justification – no matter how sentimental – but only genuine repentance. “Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore…into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow.” Deu. 23:18 KJV

Dogs In The Sanctuary

God created sex as a most sacred and intimate act between man and woman. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled.” Heb. 13:4 KJV Satan seeks to pervert and desecrate God’s creation by openly reducing human sexuality to the instincts of animals. “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” Rev. 22: 15 KJV
Biblically, the term dog is used of ceremonially unclean persons; a word often associated with moral or spiritual impurity. Dogs are amoral – without moral standards; they have no moralistic distinctions. They live by their instinctive nature because they are animals. Animals do not restrain themselves but follow their natural tendencies. For a human being to follow his base tendencies is to live like a dog – ruled by his lower nature. When possessing the Promise Land, God commanded the Israelites to exterminate the Canaanites. The very name Canaanite means “low.” God foresaw that the corrupt and sensual ways of the Canaanites would influence the Israelites to follow their lower nature. Deu. 7:1-6 Instead, Israel compromised and learned their ways, which eventually became their downfall.
Shortly after my wife and I were married we got a little lap dog that looked like “Benji.” He was absolutely the cutest puppy with the most darling little face. I remember how I felt the first time I saw our little “darling” carry on with another male dog in the neighborhood. Suddenly our cute little house pet became just another dirty dog. His shenanigans dirtied his image. But he was only doing instinctively what his nature was – being a dog.
Currently, human sexuality has been reduced to the instincts and nature of animals. Artistically summed up on a customized pick-up truck it read, “Animal Minded.” People carry on as if there’s no moral distinctions. Like dogs, exercising no self-control, that is, anything sexually goes! “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves…without self-control…” II Tim. 3:1, 2, 3 NIV
Today’s society loves its own way (relative truth) rather than God’s way (absolute truth) and God has given it over to a deluding demonic influence. “Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” II Thes. 2:10, 11 KJV Delusion means mental straying – to err in morals. This nation has deviated from the divine standard and is in direct violation of heaven. The sex society could only occur in a lawless culture. Jesus said that a sign of His coming and the end of the age would be that lawlessness would increase. Matt. 24:12
More and more laws are being rewritten for the ulterior goals of a ruling elite. One elitist business magazine advertisement boasted, “The only rules you should heed are the ones you can break.” Sexual licentiousness and its unrestrained indulgence is costly. Everyday in the U.S. close to 3,000 teenage girls become pregnant – about one million each year. Lawlessness has seized the traditional American family. Sadly, according to a recent poll, Christians are more likely to experience divorce than non-Christians. One author dubbed it the “Culture of Divorce.”
This lawless culture has produced the move to promote homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle. Homosexual sex has brought upon this world the prolonged wasting plague of AIDS. Deu. 28:58-59, 61 When politicians and city officials – in the name of community diversity – participate in “Gay Pride Parades,” they open the city gates to unclean spirits. Rev. 18:2-3 Any nation that regards Sodomy as a viable lifestyle signs its own death warrant! Yet, Lesbians proudly march on American streets chanting, “We’re here, we’re gay, we’re in the PTA.” I was actually handed a book to review called “Holy Homosexuals.” There is no such thing as a holy homosexual – that is an oxymoron. “Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders…will inherit the Kingdom of God.” I Cor. 6:9,10 NIV

Our Hope

The only hope for America is for Christians to be Christians and the church to be the church. We must pray and participate; intercede and intervene. Anything less would be faith without works. Every believer must live what they believe if the church is to impact this society. Belief must equal behavior! “Be careful how you behave among your unsaved neighbors; for then, even if they are suspicious of you and talk against you, they will end up praising God for your good works when Christ returns.” I Pet. 2:12 LB
When I was in the music business the industry set the standards. In the church, God’s Word sets the standard…not the culture! We must live without compromise in this wicked world. “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” Phil 2:15 KJV
The scriptures reveal that the combatant against false teachers is strong, godly leaders and sound doctrine. But we do not only need Christian leaders with backbone in the pulpit. We also need those in the pews to live with conviction and stand for righteousness in every arena of society.
Dear saint, Jesus wouldn’t have died on the cross to redeem sinners if the redeemed could not live up to His standards. We may fall but we can stand! Be encouraged. His grace is more than sufficient to live a holy and pure life before Him. Rejoice! If you have a heart after God and hunger and thirst for righteousness then you can have the victory over this world. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. I John 5:3-4 KJV